Logging Significant Changes for IPMR Format 3 Reports

Use the time-phased data logging feature to designate if baseline changes are significant or not, for the purpose of collecting data for the IPMR Format 3 report.

Use the Log Operation page of the Project Audit Wizard to enable time-phased data logging.

Attention: For more information, see Enable Time-Phased Data Logging.

When the time-phased data logging is enabled, the Significant option is displayed on the Log Comment page of the Project Audit Wizard, which you can use to flag a change as significant. Significant baseline changes are broken out and shown as individual entries on the IPMR Format 3 report.

If you enable the time-phased data logging feature for a project that already has status entered in the current period, you must also perform one of the actions in the table below before you make any further changes to the budget. If you do not perform any of these actions, Cobra will incorrectly calculate the transaction amount for baseline log entries in some cases. This happens because Cobra captures additional information for time-phased changes when you perform an action that causes a baseline log entry to be created. This information will not be captured for existing projects.

Action Notes

Advance the calendar


Reset the baseline

Future baseline log transactions will be calculated correctly and all audit log reports will work correctly.
Reconcile project audit log Future baseline log transactions will be calculated correctly. All audit log reports will work correctly except for the IPMR Format 3 report.